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Save cost and waste in die cast cleaning

Ervin Germany GmbH is expecting a high level of interest in its Amachrome stainless steel abrasive at the EUROGUSS exhibition in Nuremberg in January 2020. The stainless steel shot shows performance equal or better than all chrome-nickel competitor alternatives, whilst having the added benefit of being nearly nickel-free (around 0.2 per cent) and insulated from related price fluctuations.

In a recent customer trial of aluminium sand casting, abrasive consumption of Amachrome 50 was 33.8 per cent lower than the equivalent competitor product the customer had been using. In addition, the Amachrome 50 gave a perfect finish, with lower machine wear and maintenance costs due to a lower hardness.

Thorsten Stephan, head of stainless division said: “These successful test results are typical of the significant improvements we have demonstrated to a wide variety of customers when trialling Amachrome against competitor products in diecasting applications. Our range of Amachrome abrasives offer many customers the opportunity to reduce waste and save blasting cost.”

The Ervin stainless steel abrasive production facility in Sprockhövel, Germany, combined with the knowledge of the Ervin technology centre in Tecumseh, USA makes Amachrome one of the highest quality ferritic stainless shots. Continuous quality control, in combination with the cutting-edge production process, guarantees consistently high performance. The experience Ervin has gained over 100 years of abrasives production is invaluable for optimum performance in the field.

Amachrome is ideal for use in both automatic wheel blast machines and air blast systems. It is particularly well suited to surface preparation, surface cleaning and surface finishing. It is typically used in applications such as: aluminium diecasting; zinc pressure diecasting; aluminium profiles prior to coating; aluminium, brass and stainless steel forgings.

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