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How to save 30 per cent on your business energy costs

Power quality specialist REO UK has created an online energy calculator to help businesses calculate the energy savings they can make by using a REOWAVE passive filter.

By entering a few key figures, businesses and OEMs can instantly see the cost savings and reduction in CO2 emissions that can be made by controlling the unwanted interference in power supply. The calculator is available online at:
In the last 20 years, power quality problems including current harmonics have become a bigger problem in industry. Variable speed drives (VSDs), as well as other electrical and electronic equipment often used in industrial and commercial applications can cause unwanted interference on the mains power supply in the form of reactive currents and harmonics. The calculator will show companies, at a glance, how less money can be wasted on energy, and how they can increase return on investment and achieve longer product life. 

System Losses
Reactive, or blind current as it’s more commonly known, is the portion of a standard 50Hz AC waveform where the current waveform is out of phase with that of the voltage as a result of inductive or capacitive loads. Because only that portion of a current waveform that is in phase with the voltage delivers real, active power, anything in excess of this can lead to system losses. 
In turn, this means that companies that don’t use a power filter such as REOWAVE passive are wasting energy that they pay for. Given rising energy costs, this is something that should of course be avoided. The calculator allows companies to see the financial savings that can be made by investing in a filter.
“We’ve launched this energy calculator so that businesses can quickly work out how much money they’re wasting on energy costs that can be otherwise avoided,” explained Steve Hughes, managing director of REO UK. “It may come as a surprise to many businesses that they could save up to 30 per cent on their energy savings just by eliminating power quality issues. This is even before considering the obvious costs such as those associated with the maintenance, repair and replacement of devices subjected to increased heat and wear as a result of poor power quality.
“Failure to comply with regulation is another area that businesses fall foul of. The IEEE159 and European EN61000-3 standards regulate the amount of harmonic currents that are permitted in electronic equipment to enable electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). By using a REOWAVE passive filter, businesses can be assured that their equipment will be in compliance with these standards.
“We’re also aware of the growing concern about CO2 emissions. The UK government aims to cut CO2 emissions by 20 per cent by 2020 and a reduction in wasted electricity will have a significant impact towards that. By using our energy saving calculator, businesses can be assured that they are taking steps to reduce their carbon emissions and can share this information with any concerned parties.”

REO manufactures resistive and inductive wound components for use with static frequency converter drives in lift and HVAC applications. The company is becoming increasingly involved in renewable energy technology, where power quality is of overriding importance. REO has manufacturing operations in Germany, the US, China and India. 

REO UK, Tel: +44 (0) 1588 673411.